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Services and activities of the
Maad Iran Business Hub


Trade & Commerce, Tourism, Transportation

Investment, Industry, Technology

The Management, Human resources development, Entrepreneurship

Sciences, Research & Development, Innovation

Articles and scientific databases and applications

Page dedicated to members

Special offers commercial and investment News and events
Breaking News
Home / Monetary


Monetary, foreign exchange, banking, finance, insurance, taxation, rules and regulations & legal affairs
To perform any operation and participation in various economic activities, industrial, commercial and …. Knowledge of information in each country, the region and the country’s monetary and banking laws and regulations can be considered the basis for decisions making.
Laws and regulations in the field of monetary, banking, foreign exchange, insurance, financial, taxation and legal system of the Islamic Republic of Iran are providing for users and the clients of Maad Iran Business Hub.
In addition to the introduction of links or connections to valid and relevant databases, the latest rules and regulations of the Money and Credit Council, the central Bank, laws passed by Parliament, recipes and regulatory organizations will be provided.
The introduction of insurance and insurance companies accredited and knowledge of regulations and facilities potential and actual relief for firms for users Maad Iran Business Hub are provided.
Domestic and foreign investment opportunities and facilities based on the rule of law and guarantees required are provided approved by the relevant organizations and communicated are available to the users of the Maad Iran Business Hub.
The latest news from the money and capital markets, equality, exchange rates, insurance and business laws are provided in this site.
On a daily basis through membership in the Iran Business Hub will be available.
Tax laws of each country to decide and participate in economic activities, commerce and …. is one of the basic criteria. Incentives and security for investors and comparison with other countries and economic and trade areas is critical.
Knowing the rules and regulations of international trade law and the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran, for the applicants to participate in trade and economic and industrial activities …. is important.
In Maad Iran Business Hub many efforts have been taken as a great advantage of the knowledge and experience of professors, jurists, legal experts, advice and guidance will be provided as necessary for the applicants.
It should be noted, in this center we try to provide consultations and advice in the areas of applications, monetary, foreign exchange, banking, finance, insurance, tax, legal and … Corporate members and applicants to internal and external business center of enjoying and using Knowledge and experience of consultants and experts, prominent academics and co-related to the In Maad Iran Business Hub of the work done.