Sciences, Research & Development, Innovation
Power and scientific development of each country, has a major role in national development. Therefore, using the power of science, research and development and innovation and in possession of data and articles and research results at home and abroad to upgrade both the real and monetary sectors is of great importance to enjoy. In this regard, the use of science and research, both fundamental and theoretical to practical and operational spells of hands achieved in line with sustainable development, need to plan, outlining the roadmap, flowchart, etc. Providing economic feasibility and forecasting of cost and revenue of new research and innovation, especially in science and industry and real sectors of the economy, is necessary to remedy.
The experience of developed countries and advanced industrialization and the development of new industrial countries, (NICS) Especially in the Southeast Asia reflects the fact that the wise management sciences (Knowledge Management) of scientific progress, and research and innovation in line with sustainable development by taking advantage of theoretical and fundamental research, Practical approaches to entrepreneurship and employment and production and gain a strong presence in the markets and have provided the international scene.
Using scientific knowledge and resources at national and international levels and management and the provision and use it for growth and sustainable economic and social development of the country enjoying field for applicants and excellent active force will be privileged country.
One of the most important index provider should be regarded reverse engineering of micro and macro in the real sectors of the economy, industry and mining, agriculture and service sectors …. which tends to identify problems, obstacles, weaknesses and identify strengths actual and potential capacities and capabilities to increase efficiencies and reduce under capacities of the economy. And thus leads to higher productivity and profitability by increasing production and decreasing employment rate.
It should be noted, in this center we try to provide consultations and advice in the areas of applications, Sciences, Research & Development, Innovation legal and … Corporate members and applicants to internal and external business center of enjoying and using Knowledge and experience of consultants and experts, prominent academics and co-related to the in Maad Iran Business Hub of the work done.