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Maad Iran Business Hub


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Home / The Management, Human resources development, Entrepreneurship

The Management, Human resources development, Entrepreneurship

The Management, Human resources development, Entrepreneurship
Management and effective use of human resources as non-embodied (dis embodied) technology, improve production capacities in the real economy. In this part of the management, planning short- and long-term and strategic management are attracting and retaining human resources and training to improve efficiency and productivity.
Production and employment through entrepreneurship and special attention to youth empowerment and education, including major measures to be regarded as the booster the country’s economic potential and business.
Management and communication technologies institutional owners and investors, industry and the scientific, academic and research for mutual use of the capacities of existing and potential Centers of Excellence, Industrial and technological matters should be considered.
Management and retraining and improving the quality and quantity of the real sector (production) and financial (services) through holding conferences, exhibitions, Short courses in collaboration with academics and industrialists and business Under the provision of information and the latest scientific and practical events to clients and users and members of the Maad Iran Business Hub.
It should be noted, in this center we try to provide consultations and advice in the areas of applications, The Management, Human resources development, Entrepreneurship legal and … Corporate members and applicants to internal and external business center of enjoying and using Knowledge and experience of consultants and experts, prominent academics and co-related to the in Maad Iran Business Hub of the work done.